On May 2 of this year, I did a thing. It’s something that may be a big deal to others, but it’s only a drop in the bucket compared to the actual things that will occur over time as a result.
So what’s that thing, in particular?
It’s simple. I decided to become my own payee.
Now this doesn’t mean I’ve got extra money to squander on unnecessary crap. Oh nah, that’ll come later when I shoot for a higher tax bracket (LOL). It just means as an autist, neurodivergent or however one on the spectrum calls themselves, it’s time for me to buckle down and take responsibility for the bigger things from now on. Rent and bills gotta be paid, obviously.
At the same time, I also consider it to be a learning experience as part of the School of Hard Knocks curriculum; I always said that life was just one big classroom. People would tell me that I was good with numbers, so keeping the books from this point forward would put a little something under my belt.
And this is also something for the parents of autistic daughters and sons to look into (or even nieces, nephews or cousins you’re looking after). If the autistic person you’re taking care of wants to become independent, then teach them those life skills as early as you can. It’ll be a challenge, but you can help build your relationship with…