A Tale Of Three Dragons (Part 4)

Fighting their respective bosses

Ms. KJ


Photo by Mendar Bouchali on Unsplash

Parts 1, 2 & 3 below

A Malevolent Entity Awakens After The Reunion

“I’m the third ‘dragon’.”

Hayabusa and another young man stood before a tall, muscular figure with something red flowing behind him in the breeze.

The young man beside Hayabusa had shock and awe registered on his face like a news headline. He stammered, “Y-you mean to t-te-tell me that he’s…”



Ms. KJ

I am the author of Longing For The Night, Fire & Water, and The Sassy Savant. When I'm not writing, I run a crochet business on Etsy called SoulfulStitchery.