A Tale Of Three Dragons (Part 1)

Fanfiction from the world of video games

Ms. KJ


Photo by Vlad Zaytsev on Unsplash

Somewhere in Japan, there lived a trio of men who came from different universes but had one thing in common: they all shared the same name. Their personalities were vastly different; one man was a clear hothead looking to brawl on site, another man had just returned from America after a grueling mission, and the other was simply searching for inner peace…and could sometimes be a country bumpkin.

Akihabara, Tokyo — Throwdown at a Pachinko Parlor

It was a balmy summer evening in the electronics district of Tokyo known as Akihabara. Lights and sounds were buzzing and whirring enough to make the neighborhood come alive, like a Japanese version of Las Vegas.

A young man had just walked out of an arcade after dropping at least a thousand yen on a few video games. He figured he’d blow his money elsewhere, like a pachinko parlor, and then woof down some gyoza with a fifth of sake as a chaser. Just as he was making his way to the parlor…

“Aye you!” Some strange dude had caught his attention.

“You talkin’ to me?” the young man questioned.

“I don’t see no other dude over here dressed like a bootleg version of Guy from Final Fight, so I must be…



Ms. KJ

I am the author of Longing For The Night, Fire & Water, and The Sassy Savant. When I'm not writing, I run a crochet business on Etsy called SoulfulStitchery.